Showing 1–12 of 23 results
- Person-centred reviews can be lead to changes for individuals and services, and meet statutory requirements.
- Person-centred reviews can replace existing statutory reviews, as they generally take the same amount of time and involve the same people.
- Information from person-centred reviews can provide important information to contribute to strategic commissioning.
- The people using services who were part of the study preferred person-centred reviews to traditional reviews.
Making it Personal – A provider’s journey from tradition to transformation
by Steve Scown & Helen Sanderson
What does it take to make change happen? Big change? Since 2008, Dimensions has been grappling with the challenge of delivering personalised services. Leaving aside the debate about the future of residential care, they decided to transform their organisation into one that responds flexibly to individuals with a budget who want bespoke support. Dimensions felt that if they did not consider and respond to the shift in power from the professionals to the customer, they would not survive.
Many providers are dealing with the same issues. But the question that remains unanswered at most events for providers is, “How do you do this?”
Dimensions has taken significant steps towards working this out. They started by taking an honest look at where they were, using the providers’ self-assessment tool Progress for Providers. I then spent six days (over eight months) to take their leadership team on a real-life customer journey, from their first contact with someone through to ongoing reviews. We were lucky enough to have the perspective of one person and her family – Jennie – to help Dimensions to see in more detail exactly what they needed to change.
Click here to download this publication.
Free!Making it Personal for Everyone – From block contracts towards Individual Service Funds
Format: 235 x 180mm, 120 pages, Perfect bound paperback. By Steve Scown and Helen Sanderson.
Packed full of practical information on using new person-centred practices such as ‘Just Enough Support’, Making it Personal for Everyone explores the major changes required for providers and their staff teams to work towards full personalisation.
“It wouldn’t be recognised as a traditional residential service now…the best thing about it is to see the people we support enjoy life, really connecting with their community and achieving so much and enjoying it”
– Carolynn, team manager
Free!Outcome Focused Review Booklet
A fill-in booklet for people to complete to prepare for their Outcome Focused Review.
Free!Getting a Job, Getting a Life and Getting it Right – Six ways to support young disabled people into work
by Nicola Gitsham, Helen Sanderson and Linda Jordan with Jamiee Lewis and Freya El Baz
Personalising Education: A guide to using person-centred practices in schools
Personalising education is about recognising that every pupil is an individual. By focusing on what matters to each child, we can design a school life which responds to their particular needs. This way, each pupil can be taught and supported in the best possible way to ensure they reach their potential and become confident, contributing citizens.
Free!Beyond Life Histories
9 practical ways to deliver personalisation with people with dementia by Helen Sanderson and Gill Bailey.
Sale! Free!
Person Centred Reviews in Adult Services
Format: 209 x 295 mm, 56 pages, Perfect bound paperback. By Gill Bailey, Helen Sanderson, Charlotte Sweeney and Belinda Heaney
Person-centred reviews were developed to transform the Year 9 transition in schools. As the Valuing People Support Team’s national training programme was rolled out, people quickly realised that this person-centred approach to reviews could be equally powerful within adult services.
This report demonstrates that:
Training and Practice in Person Centred Planning: A European Perspective
Experiences from the New Paths to Inclusion Project. Edited by Julie Lunt and Andreas Hinz. Please note that the price of this publication is to cover postage and administration fees
“New Paths to Inclusion” was a European Leonardo Project funded within the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union from October 2009 to September 2011. It aimed to foster the inclusion of people with disabilities through a person-centred approach. The training programme brought the latest developments in the UK to six European countries.
£4.50Total Communication: Person Centred Thinking, Planning and Practice
Format: 190 x 210mm, 32 pages, Paperback. By Kim Williams, SALT Salford Primary Care trust, Learning Difficulty Service; Louise Skelhorn, Helen Sanderson Associates; and Alison Matthews, SALT Oldham Learning Disability Services.
This booklet describes the philosophy and approaches of total communication. This includes: a word about understanding; a word about expression; communication model; pre-verbal, pre-intentional and gesture; objects; photographs, line drawings, symbols; signing; spoken language and written language.
For courses on using person-centred thinking, see HSA Courses.
£4.50Living Well: Thinking and planning for the end of your life
Format: 210 x 295mm, 30 pages, Paperback. By Helen Sanderson Associates and Lancashire County Council.
This guide is to help you think about and record what is important to you now, and what you want in the future (planning for the end of your life).
For courses on using person-centred thinking, see HSA Courses.
£4.95Person-Centred Thinking with Older People: 6 Essential Practices
By Helen Sanderson, Helen Bown and Gill Bailey
Practical and accessible, this book pares person-centred thinking down to 8 essential practices, and gives real-life examples of how to use them in the care of older people. With useful ideas for learning what is important to each individual – and acting on it – this book shows how to help older people regain control of their care.
£11.99Showing 1–12 of 23 results