Person Centred Reviews in Adult Services
£1.00 plus vat
Format: 209 x 295 mm, 56 pages, Perfect bound paperback. By Gill Bailey, Helen Sanderson, Charlotte Sweeney and Belinda Heaney
Person-centred reviews were developed to transform the Year 9 transition in schools. As the Valuing People Support Team’s national training programme was rolled out, people quickly realised that this person-centred approach to reviews could be equally powerful within adult services.
This report demonstrates that:
- Person-centred reviews can be lead to changes for individuals and services, and meet statutory requirements.
- Person-centred reviews can replace existing statutory reviews, as they generally take the same amount of time and involve the same people.
- Information from person-centred reviews can provide important information to contribute to strategic commissioning.
- The people using services who were part of the study preferred person-centred reviews to traditional reviews.
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