Reviewing Progress: 4 plus 1 questions and person-centred reviews

£6.50 plus vat

Format 105 x 150mm, 16 pages, spiral bound

This is a quick reference guide to two ways of reviewing your progress through person-centred thinking tools and practices.

We have used the term ‘team leader’ to represent a senior support worker, first line manager or key worker.

We use the term ‘manager’ to mean the overall manager of the care home.

The term ‘dedicated time’ refers to where a care home is using the principles of Individual Service Funds to offer people greater choice and control in their lives, by having some dedicated time each month. The person chooses how they use this time – what they do, where they go and which staff members support them.

The person-centred review process was developed by Helen Sanderson Associates based on work by The Learning Community for Person-Centred Practices.

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